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This offer has the lowest price of all.Krakow 2017 Challengers Autograph Capsule
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2017 PGL Krakow
Krakow 2017 Player Autographs
Sticker can be autographed by one of the following professional players:
chrisJ (Chris de Jong)
denis (Denis Howell)
loWel (Christian Garcia Antoran)
oskar (Tomas Stastny)
ropz (Robin Kool)
apEX (Dan Madesclaire)
bodyy (Alexandre Pianaro)
kennyS (Kenny Schrub)
NBK- (Nathan Schmitt)
shox (Richard Papillon)
gob b (Fatih Dayik)
keev (Kevin Bartholomäus)
LEGIJA (Nikola Ninic)
nex (Johannes Maget)
tabseN (Johannes Wodarz)
autimatic (Timothy Ta)
n0thing (Jordan Gilbert)
shroud (Michael Grzesiek)
Skadoodle (Tyler Latham)
Stewie2K (Jacky Yip)
HS (Kevin Tarn)
innocent (Paweł Mocek)
kRYSTAL (Kevin Amend)
suNny (Miikka Kemppi)
zehN (Jesse Linjala)
B1ad3 (Andrey Gorodenskiy)
electronic (Denis Sharipov)
markeloff (Yegor Markelov)
wayLander (Jan Peter Rahkonen)
WorldEdit (Georgy Yaskin)
boltz (Ricardo Prass)
HEN1 (Henrique Teles Ferreira da Fonseca)
kNgV- (Vito Giuseppe Agostinelli)
LUCAS1 (Lucas Teles Ferreira da Fonseca)
steel (Lucas Lopes)
chopper (Leonid Vishnyakov)
hutji (Pavel Lashkov)
jR (Dmytro Chervak)
keshandr (Sergey Nikishin)
mir (Nikolai Bitiukov)
chrisJ (Chris de Jong)
denis (Denis Howell)
loWel (Christian Garcia Antoran)
oskar (Tomas Stastny)
ropz (Robin Kool)
apEX (Dan Madesclaire)
bodyy (Alexandre Pianaro)
kennyS (Kenny Schrub)
NBK- (Nathan Schmitt)
shox (Richard Papillon)
gob b (Fatih Dayik)
keev (Kevin Bartholomäus)
LEGIJA (Nikola Ninic)
nex (Johannes Maget)
tabseN (Johannes Wodarz)
autimatic (Timothy Ta)
n0thing (Jordan Gilbert)
shroud (Michael Grzesiek)
Skadoodle (Tyler Latham)
Stewie2K (Jacky Yip)
HS (Kevin Tarn)
innocent (Paweł Mocek)
kRYSTAL (Kevin Amend)
suNny (Miikka Kemppi)
zehN (Jesse Linjala)
B1ad3 (Andrey Gorodenskiy)
electronic (Denis Sharipov)
markeloff (Yegor Markelov)
wayLander (Jan Peter Rahkonen)
WorldEdit (Georgy Yaskin)
boltz (Ricardo Prass)
HEN1 (Henrique Teles Ferreira da Fonseca)
kNgV- (Vito Giuseppe Agostinelli)
LUCAS1 (Lucas Teles Ferreira da Fonseca)
steel (Lucas Lopes)
chopper (Leonid Vishnyakov)
hutji (Pavel Lashkov)
jR (Dmytro Chervak)
keshandr (Sergey Nikishin)
mir (Nikolai Bitiukov)